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Torrey Hata works in support of clients’ business transactions, corporate and partnership formation and dissolution, and due diligence for sales and acquisitions. His experience includes a range of technology- and investment fund-related transactions, securities matters, and mergers and acquisitions. While earning his J.D. from the University of Colorado Law School, Torrey served as a public service scholar for the United States Department of Education and an extern for a judge at the Colorado Court of Appeals.

Clients want to complete deals smoothly while having a team of specialized professionals protecting their interests.

I look to structure transactions to maximize the benefits to clients while ensuring their legal compliance with complex laws.

My industry experience includes technology transactions, investment funds, securities, and M&A.

As a new attorney, I typically assist clients by supporting the shareholders/lead attorneys so they focus their attention on effectively counseling their clients and providing high-quality, high-value work.

  • University of Colorado Law School, Boulder, Colorado, J.D., 2014
  • Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado, B.A., cum laude, 2011

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